Glenn Collins and Broken Lantern Win Best Tattoo Shop and Best Tattoo Artist
We did it! We swept the tattoo Category! We have managed to win Charleston’s Best Tattoo Shop through Charleston City Paper and Glenn Collins won Charleston’s Best Tattoo Artist! It is amazing to have an artist on our team recognized as the best. It makes us proud of the team we have put together. We love this group of well rounded artists and what they bring to the shop day in and day out. We have been on a run with winning Best Tattoo Parlor through the Post and Courier but it is good to get acknowledgment from another source and we do not take it for granted. It is an absolute honor to receive these types of awards as the contests are completely motivated by you, the people we serve and those that get to call this incredible city home. It is truly humbling that our clients and Charleston have decided to support us in such an incredible way. Our team at Broken Lantern would like to extend our deepest thanks not just for the recognition, but also for choosing us to tattoo you! None of this is possible without you. As we have said before we will continue putting forth the effort to make this the best tattoo shop possible, and passing that experience on to you to give you the best tattoo possible. We have the opportunity to serve the best clients, in the best city and are thankful for it everyday. We would not exist without you so one again thank you! We look forward to continuing to grow and create with you. We absolutely love you! Also Congratulations to Clare for voting for us and winning a FREE half day session with Glenn.